• Tariffs and Trade Wars: What the Average American Needs to Know

    April 16, 2018 3 min read 82 Comments

    Recent news stories have been dominated by talk about tariffs and trade wars and there’s no doubt that the economics are complex. This issue hits close to home for us – tariffs have a direct effect on All American Clothing and many of the people and businesses we work with.

    Debating the pros and cons of the new tariffs levied on steel and aluminum imports, as well as potentially Chinese technology products, isn’t the goal of this blog. Putting politics aside, here’s what the average American needs to know about tariffs and how it could affect them:

    What are tariffs?
    A tariff is a tax on goods imported into a country. This tax is a percentage of the total cost of the product (includes insurance, freight, etc.). A tariff raises the price of the imported goods.

    Which countries charge tariffs?
    All countries levy tariffs, but on different goods and products depending on which domestic industries a country wants to protect from global competition.

    Tariffs are waived when countries form free trade agreements with each other. Businesses use trade agreements as market strategies – they target exports to countries their own country has favorable trade agreements with to minimize cost.
    What are the pros of tariffs?
    When tariffs are applied to a foreign product, the result is the product becomes more expensive and gives a leg up to domestic makers because they don’t have to pay the tax. The theory is this will protect and support domestic industries in an effort to increase the demand for their products, which drives their business and creates new jobs.

    In some cases, this is a strategy governments use to revitalize industries that are struggling. In others, it’s a strategy to protect a country’s most valuable industries.

    What are the cons of tariffs?
    Opponents say tariffs often result in “tit for tat” trade wars. When a country is hit with a tariff, it may hit back with tariffs of its own. The cost of tariffed products goes up and companies either have to absorb that increased cost or pass it on to consumers. The fear is that this will distort trade and create products that are too expensive for consumers, decreasing demand and causing job loss on both sides.

    Another concern revolves around whether domestic industries can meet the increases in demand if the tariffs accomplish their goal and funnel business to domestic makers.

    What does this mean for American consumers?
    The average American will likely see both increases and decreases in the cost of products – it simply depends on which products they are buying. It’s unknown and debatable whether the increased costs will be minimal or significant.

    For example, the recent steel and aluminum tariffs could raise the prices of everything from automobiles to canned goods because U.S. makers depend on imported steel and aluminum. But the increased demand for domestic steel and aluminum could create more job opportunities and higher wages for workers in those industries in the U.S.

    What does this mean for American manufacturers?
    U.S. manufacturers must evaluate how tariffs will impact their supply chains and materials sourcing. For bigger manufacturers with global supply chains who depend on competitive pricing to manufacture their goods, tariffs will increase costs. For domestic producers of tariffed products, like the American steel industry, the recent tariffs are nothing but positive news as they signal an increase in demand.

    Arguments for and against tariffs abound, and the forces of supply and demand are shifting in the U.S. and abroad. What do you think about the new proposed tariffs and the effects it will have?


    82 Responses


    February 09, 2021

    Oh I couldn’t agree more. Some technology is great for safety but yes saving on long term maintenance cost and simplicity is a must.


    February 09, 2021

    I so agree with you! I spend so much time now trying to find the country of manufacture. Amazon hides that information and I believe it is intentional. One store that I know of always lists the country of manufacture and that is Crate & Barrel. I also have found that Crate & Barrel seems to go to great lengths to offer what little product there is that is made in the USA. I remember a few years ago they even had lamps manufactured with Haeger Pottery lamp bases before Haeger went out of business.


    February 09, 2021

    The tariff on steel was a must. The last manufacturer of military grade steel was going under.
    Also, growing up in Michigan taught me that when you export product you become rich. When you import it you become poor. Today it is very hard to find anything made in the USA, except low tech craft type items and that is frightening. We don’t have the factories or the skilled labor to convert to a war effort anymore. America has become a ripe piece of fruit on a low hanging branch.

    O Par
    O Par

    February 09, 2021

    Not forget minimum wage laws. They also drive the price of labor up and compel consumers to look elsewhere for more inexpensive labor.


    February 09, 2021

    Could be wrong, but pretty sure the tarrif is paid by the consumer, not the company

    B Corcoran
    B Corcoran

    February 09, 2021



    February 09, 2021

    So I should care more about 100 Engineers than thousands and thousands of worthless grunts? No. Education and amount of money made doesn’t make one worth more of a person. Besides that, so much of the parts are manufactured in China it’s not even funny. Ford, GM outsource tons and still charge outrageous prices for their vehicles, of which are designed to require ever so much more labor for simple, common and regular maintenance as well as repairs. They are designed with planned obsolescence in mind as well. All vehicles today are. I’m a welder/fabricator and I work on my own vehicles: I don’t care about the engineers and those making the highest wages, not when they design a car so that I have to remove a wheel, shroud, pulley assembly and steering linkage to change an alternator, nor remove a bumper to change a headlight. They design these vehicles to cost you far more money than it ought to, and far more than necessary. These people are shafting you every chance they get and all of us smart auto mechanics know it designed with this in mind. Even other manufacturers do this, probably why I drive an 86’ Toyota, built to last, good off road and designed to be easily worked on. Irresponsible companies.


    February 09, 2021

    Seems like a lot of folks are looking for more central government intervention in their lives! Look at the label, do your homework. It’s not as urgent when the item is $1.00. But how many folks don’t differentiate between “assembled in the USA” and “designed, engineered, manufactured and accounted for” in the USA. A good example can be found in cars. Generally speaking, the engineering, accounting, design of Ford and GM products is done in the US. “Manufacturing”, frequently interchanged for “assembled” is done in the US, Canada or Mexico. No aspersions, but manufacturing requires the least education, and pays the least of the whole automobile process. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard folks buy Camrys, Tacomas and Accords thinking because they are “assembled” in the US, that they are being patriotic. The profits and the best paying jobs are in Japan! We should be supporting the US jobs requiring the highest education, and paying the highest wages, not just assembly jobs. Don’t fall for the BS from the company’s marketing department, do your homework, and make smart decisions. If you’re at Target or Walmart, look at the labels. If you’re spending more, make wise choices.

    Matt Giorgianni
    Matt Giorgianni

    February 09, 2021

    No problem John, I can understand the confusion. You see, the regulations that have been enacted in the United States raise the cost of doing business in the United States, of hiring and manufacturing ect. Well people, if given a chance, will pay for cheaper products made in less savory conditions. What this has done is decimated the manufacturing base (and real wealth I might add) of the United States. Over time we have become more reliant on debt and manufactured far less durable goods, instead shipping out this debt in it’s place. It has weakened our nation and created a ton of issues in the process. The REAL issue is regulations and the costs associated with them. The damage to the infrastructure and type of economy we have has been severely damaged without the subsequent tariffs necessary to actually produce clean products instead of simply outsourcing the pollution. Tariffs should not be seen as good or bad, but taken into context of the time and place in which they are used. We have needed tariffs for decades, and the real costs that are being put on the consumer are in fact the real costs of the regulations which have strangled much of the small businesses in this very nation in the first place. I wouldn’t worry about it too much longer, as with current de-dollarization trends and the weaponization of our currency combined with the exponential curve of debt and the hundreds of trillions of dollars in shortfalls we have in unfunded liabilities, our current system is living on borrowed time and the world currency status that has enabled this entire mess is living on borrowed time.


    February 09, 2021

    I certainly hope that this made in USA organization really sells clothing 100% made in USA, from cotton farm to finished product, every thread and needles 100% grow and made in the USA

    John Mason
    John Mason

    February 09, 2021

    Can some one explain to me how the government collecting tariffs on imported goods helps anyone but an OVER SPENDING government?
    I have no problem placing tariffs on imported goods, the tax money SHOULD good to the American producers that are competing with the imported goods. not the government.
    Our National debt keeps rising and America is collecting more tariff dollars. WHERE is the money going?


    February 09, 2021

    As a former Harley Davidson Dealer People from China, Japan, Australia, New Zealand and others would go across the U.S buying older Harley’s (usually 10 years old or older) because in some of those countries the tariff’s were as high as 40%. that is an example of unfair trade. They charge our country high tariffs and we let them send their goods over for 2%. Trump, rightfully so, is simply trying to achieve “Fair” trade practices.

    tony robinson
    tony robinson

    February 09, 2021

    you should send this to trump… he doesn’t understand tariffs. even with his giant stable genius brain.


    February 09, 2021

    Will not increase workers pay will increase stock holders income.


    February 09, 2021

    China doesn’t pay the U.S.A tariffs as Trump says,the importer of the goods in the U.S.pays the tariff.Which then , increases the price of goods which consumers buy.Ultimately we pay the tariff cost.When he says
    he is giving farmers money from tariffs, that is our money.


    February 09, 2021

    Try to sell a Chevy in Japan… Germany … China or Korea…. they laugh at Americans.
    A Chevy Volt costs $80,000 in Japan because of unfair trade…while we give them $7500 and more to dump their Prius in the US.
    If the US put just half the costs (can’t say tariff because they don’t call them tariffs) the put on our products we would be the devils of the world … but all is good in the “Global economy” as long as they keep the Americans out…. “our friends”.
    And half the jobs in America now are taxpayer funded… so these people do not care about tariffs… their jobs are secure… the taxpayers pay their medical and give them raises every year… their jobs are not tied to the economy. Gov jobs still got raises the three years SS gave none.

    Matthew lacrone
    Matthew lacrone

    February 09, 2021

    I completely 100% agree

    Gio ro
    Gio ro

    February 09, 2021

    I want to see people buy American made products more. What better opportunity does a company like this have then now? I know that if you had a cheaper line of jeans. More people would buy them. Like in the 30 dollar range. I have no problem with the price. I know that most consumers will look at the price then move on to a cheaper opinion. That may not be American made. Just a thought and something to think about.


    February 09, 2021

    Government regulations and taxes are why companies leave the US. These companies are in business to make money, for some reason, that’s evil these days! China has been taking advantage of the USA for decades. Certain politicians have been cashing in from China for decades as well. Ironically, the same politicians making it harder for American businesses to thrive, are the same ones getting rich off China!


    February 09, 2021

    I want to buy made in USA as much as possible too


    February 09, 2021


    Rebecca J Vostad
    Rebecca J Vostad

    February 09, 2021



    February 09, 2021

    I agree!


    February 09, 2021

    I’m not sure that I am knowledgeable enough to discuss the pros and cons of tariffs but I know quality. I can own three pairs of jeans made in the USA or five pairs made in China or in one of their satellite countries. I need five cheap pairs because they look horrible after a couple wearings. The jeans made here are better in quality of material and workmanship. They retain their shape, require less laundering and last longer. Therefore, they are a better quality and value. Same goes for all clothing.

    Cruz Garcia
    Cruz Garcia

    February 09, 2021

    A large warehouse style store had American flags for sale. One was made in China, the other was made in the USA which was $6 more expensive and of much better quality. When people saw the prices they initially picked up the cheaper one; but put them back and bought American made. As a retired veteran, this warmed my heart.

    richard oyster
    richard oyster

    February 09, 2021

    One thing that would help is make it very visible where something from so if I want to pay more for something I can. I would also like to say that everything made in the USA is not more expensive

    John Schiffermuller
    John Schiffermuller

    February 09, 2021

    If a country runs a trade surplus, typically tariffs are counter-productive. If, like the US, a country consistently runs very large trade deficits, then what we are really exporting is our money. Among other problems, that money has to be replaced, devaluing the currency over time. That lost money no longer moves in our economy, buying goods, paying wages, and being taxed. It weakens our economy over time, while strengthening the economies of other countries. We would be far better off to close our markets to anything except raw materials and goods we simply don’t make. Manufacturing in the US WILL make anything for which there is a market, and a profit to be made.


    February 09, 2021

    Much of the problems we have today involved greedy unions..I remember when our steel industry went belly was a sad sight to drive by Bethlehem steel for miles and see no cars in the parking lot.

    Now u see union people in here talking negative about tariffs..until trump became president all you heard from unions was Walmart sucks and we have to get American manufacturing back somebody’s trying to do that by using tariffs and unions are complaining about the effect it will have in our goods…so what do you want stuff from china Mart or costlier items made in the USA…you can’t have it both ways. .you will never tell companies how they can run there businesses or how much profit they will make .you don’t own or run them…so unions should be backing tariffs as a way to get jobs back here instead of using it as a political tool against a president you don’t like, only to turn around and back those same tariffs if proposed by a Democrat administration because that is exactly what all our unions will put up or shut up…


    February 09, 2021

    Forbes is in the pocket of the multinationals


    February 09, 2021

    Government subsidised housing has been being built for decades..let’s spend our money elsewhere

    Raymond Jones
    Raymond Jones

    February 09, 2021

    All good things take time, from seed to harvest. Things will develop.

    Raymond Jones
    Raymond Jones

    February 09, 2021

    Oh yeah… from now on I’m on an American shopping spree. I just cancelled Amazon Prime for the last time

    Jim Woods
    Jim Woods

    February 09, 2021

    Tariffs are good because tariffs are paid up-front to USA by countries that want to have their goods sold in USA. Tariffs are the “price-of-admission” that importers pay to our government to get their products onto American shores and into the U. S. marketplace. The tariff money gets paid to USA regardless of whether the foreign products make it into consumer hands or not. If the imported product gets sold, or ruined, or lost, or stolen, the tariff-money is a sure-thing to USA government, and it raises the price of imported items so that the made-in-USA counterparts will be easily seen as the better-value. Buy “made-in-USA” to get more of the money distributed to the manufacturing economy instead of just to the government!

    Sherry Knowlton
    Sherry Knowlton

    February 09, 2021

    I agree. If it’s not made in America, I don’t need it. I feel strongly about supporting made in America products.

    Barbara Thiessen
    Barbara Thiessen

    February 09, 2021

    Please adjust your production to make masks for health care workers. NY and the West Coast needed them yesterday. The rest of us are 7-14 days behind their peak. Governors will pay you. I beg you to do this on behalf of all of us health care workers. Thank you.

    Dave Tincher
    Dave Tincher

    February 09, 2021

    Sometimes a tariff imposed on a country will not increase the retail price to U.S. consumer,because of the competitive nature of supply and, demand foreign companies might have to relocate because of the tariffs. If we can get the federal and state government regulators off the backs of our job creators,then the U.S. with low incentive tax rates will destroy the foreign competition.

    Jeannette Lindvig
    Jeannette Lindvig

    February 09, 2021

    Tariffs will encourage steel manufacturing in the USA, and a domestic steel industry is vital to our national security. Tariffs are not only about weighing costs and creating competition for the producers.

    Mike f
    Mike f

    February 09, 2021

    Broad tariffs have never been beneficial. This is a worst case scenario as it was cast broadly without any strategy. Tariffs should be applied with precision.

    At the beginning of this I spot checked a few consumer goods made from aluminum and steel. All prices on these items have increased significantly since the tariffs were applied. The price increases have not benefitted one American laborer.

    What isn’t reported in some news outlets is the metals industry really hasn’t added many jobs if any. Additionally we’ve lost mining jobs.

    It’s a bust.


    February 09, 2021

    I buy American because I want to support American manufacturing. The tariffs won’t f D I anything but increase the cost to consumers because the foreign maker will pass on the cost to us. Will it increase American wages and jobs? Given the facts that are manufacturing capability and resources have evaporated over the last 20 years, it would take years for the American industry to start building that infrastructure. Also, investors would be reluctant to risk capital since the tariffs could be rolled back in a single day and American manufacturers would again be facing a cost and price disadvantage.


    February 09, 2021

    I totally agree. When I am shopping for something I look for American made products and buy American made when ever I find it. If I dont I dont buy it. We need to help our country as much as we can and not just look for cheap stuff, because thats what it is cheap and cheaply made. God bless America.


    February 09, 2021

    I think it’s cool you guys bothered to provide this explanation for people.


    February 09, 2021

    IF the companies use the opportunity correctly. They may however see the chance to raise prices and simply profit more on production and not expand. They don’t know if the tariffs maybe will be lifted and then they are stuck with excess capacity and a price disadvantage.

    I’ve been married long enough to know I can be wrong however.


    February 09, 2021

    I rejoiced at the end of NAFTA, but I may have been mistaken. Here’s Forbes’ take on tariffs, drawing on research from the Tax Foundation, among others:

    Kim Hoffner
    Kim Hoffner

    February 09, 2021

    Good to know. I need tires and I get Coopers.

    Kim Hoffner
    Kim Hoffner

    February 09, 2021

    I feel EXACTLY the same way and now I check that EVERYTHING I buy is made/manufactured in the USA from clothes to pillowcases. I’ll pay more, much more to support American factories and workers here.


    February 09, 2021

    If you search tires at the “Tire Rack” website, where they list most every tire made. Scroll down to specifics and “country of origin is listed”.
    This is a great tool for tire comparisons. As far as the tariffs, presidents should have been working on the issue more 30-35 years ago.

    James U.
    James U.

    February 09, 2021

    When American companies started outsourcing our jobs over seas, closing manufacturing facilities and businesses here in America, I could not believe the damage it has done to American families. If you want to be a true American Patriot, back your country. Whether it be in business or in the military. This greedy attitude that businesses have undertaken is just insane. They are not happy with a decent profit of 50, 60% profit, they have to have it at 300-500% profit by taking advantage of cheap labor. Wake up and back your country.

    Matt Giorgianni
    Matt Giorgianni

    February 09, 2021

    Here’s the thing: they won’t help anyone you know or care about for a long time. But it should have been done a long time ago and the longer we put it off the longer it will take to rebuild our industry. Real wealth is in debt about as much as a cell phone has value before it is created. Pure lunacy, and given this mindset I would ask you to consider the following. It is a matter of actually paying attention to the cause and effects of the various laws and regulations that we have enacted in this nation to see why tariffs are actually necessary. I find it to be an argument that is usually held in a vacuum and the real world effects or current policies are easy to see and often ignored, no need for any studies. Our current regulations and worker protections make the cost of production go up. Most will just say Duh! and go about their daily business but I go a bit further into and say who is willing to pay more? Not Americans, not anyone else apparently, as reality has shown our government put our manufacturing at an unfair disadvantage versus foreign imports who have no such laws and workers rights, without which we cannot compete with. One look at the trade deficits for a long long time, no study necessary. It isn’t a question of do you think we need tariffs and will they help, it is do you think we should have the regulations, workers rights and such. One without the other has led us to a large deficit in trade which has only been sustained through a massive increase in debt. We have done half the necessary things and ignored the tariffs that has made corporations and a few individuals extremely wealthy while slowly draining the real wealth from this nation. This is unsustainable and very soon the long lasting effects will start to get much worse than they already have. You have likely enjoyed your stint out of poverty at the expense of future generations and we have a pretty bleak outlook in future years and decades to come from the fact that people aren’t actually taught real economics anymore. I have spent years studying economics myself and it has changed my outlook on much, as this stuff really is that easy ~ the information is not as readily available and pretty convoluted. I would say start looking deeper into everything that everyone says, as it is mostly b.s.


    February 09, 2021

    I almost left a short novel in this comment section. Maybe one might call it a manifesto. Just kidding. I explained my opinion on tariffs and what I estimate the effect would be on my life as an upper middle class citizen who was briefly poor and has interacted on occasion with other humans.I criticized the corporation, the citizen, and just how we are who we are as human beings in general and questioned those who might give comment on this subject and wondered by any off chance they might be familiar with Karl Marx. Not as a communist, but as a historian. Church, bibles, nations, aristocracies and long lived inherited wealth of the world citizens competing with us all on this planet under the rules established long before we were here and wondered with all the knowledge in our heads and documented all over the world available to us that may give you a hint of the scope of those with the concentration of wealth that are not on the side of labor and how unaffected us middle class and up will be in comparison to the affects to the people in need who have been led to believe this might help on a mass scale……..

    As I said, to be brief. Based on what proven data will these tariffs help anyone I care about?

    I will edit my post to be followed more easily in a linear form so as not to loose those who may understand the document and may have anecdotal evidence pointing me to think deeper about any possible positives I am overlooking.


    February 09, 2021

    I am very pro American made goods. I always check the product information to find out where products are manufactured. It is amazing to me so many retailers cannot immediately inform their customers where the products they sell are made. If Americans stop purchasing items made in Asian and middle Eastern countries, IE China then we can control their manufacturing.

    Eduardo Saa
    Eduardo Saa

    February 09, 2021

    Do not forget that many countries have always had some sort of tariff against US products. The trade with China has never been a fair trade because China with their predatory behavior and tariff against US products make competition more difficult. I also see than greed and the desire for immediate rewards without looking at future consequence of actions, have made many USA icon companies leave the USA for cheaper labor. It is somehow understandable but a balance shall be maintained. That balance is completely lost and that is why tariffs are now necessary. As a constumer It is sad seeing how this is damaging the USA. As much as I can I choose to buy made in USA.

    Henry Stowe
    Henry Stowe

    February 09, 2021

    We actually imposed the steel tarrifs and they instantly returned a bunch of people to work. Is it perfect, no, but on steel, it seems to be okay. I agree that we shouldn’t tariff things like agricultural products we cannot grow here or industrial metals we can’t mine here, but overall, the Trump steel and AL strategy seems to work.


    February 09, 2021

    Yes. In some industries, though, it will happen sooner. Some later. If we could continue to have leadership like we have right now on the tariff issue, I bet many people would feel better about making “sacrifices” today for a better tomorrow.


    February 09, 2021

    100% agree. Of course, that’s no surprise since we often shop on the same websites. What I like is the fact that the choices seem to be expanding. I just purchased a fleece pullover and a couple of moisture wicking t-shirts for the bad weather


    February 09, 2021

    Most decent tires ( aka more pricey, as expected ) are made in either USA or Italy ( maybe others like Japan, not sure ) from what I’ve seen. This is because tires are easy to screw up in the making and get people killed on the road. Don’t go cheap and check the inscription on the tire. Also, if it’s tire store worth your time I think they should be able to tell you right out where certain tires are made.

    Albert. Paul Marshall
    Albert. Paul Marshall

    February 09, 2021

    we must support our neighbors , city , state , county by the products we all buy an need , what we spend , money wise all of it stays here . pays employees , employers , taxes , for schools , fire , police , every thing that makes and builds a stronger , better place for all , invest in your future , children’s , grandchildren future , not others ..learn barcodes . it is easy too get this country out of debt , American built products are better that is why they cost more .

    Julia Burke
    Julia Burke

    February 09, 2021

    Actually, that would be an argument that the tax cuts of the 1980s, ‘90s, 00s, and just recently are a huge problem. There is more wealth in the United States than ever before but it is concentrated in a very small percentage of families. Warren Buffet pointed out that because of the set tax rate on capital gains, his tax rate is actually lower than his secretary’s. If the profits of US companies were more evenly distributed than there would be a lot more in peoples’ paychecks.

    T Day
    T Day

    February 09, 2021

    You the man

    Dutch Shindler
    Dutch Shindler

    February 09, 2021

    Wow!! Great to see an American manufacturer opening up a venue to discuss economic policy. Some great comments here. Maybe there is hope for America yet. For many reasons – BUY USA!

    June s Josten
    June s Josten

    February 09, 2021

    And where do you think the gov. gets the money to invest in all these programs? Pay checks = taxes, No pay checks = No taxes = no money for investments. Its amazing the schools and collages spout how bad the USA is treating the world but they don’t teach simple math.

    Steve Mathis
    Steve Mathis

    February 09, 2021

    I have Coopers and they are made in the USA

    Mike Powers
    Mike Powers

    February 09, 2021

    I have made my living by working in manufacturing for (40) years now. My Father made his living in manufacturing, which afforded me and my (3) brothers a wonderful life, where my Mother did not have to work. It seemed no one cared when various industries I have worked in were decimated by foreign competition. All of these industries required skills, and paid well. During this time, the wealth and security of the working class has degraded significantly. Consequently, I am willing to pay more for products so that my family, and my neighbors can earn a living wage like my father did. My view is that Republicans and Democrats alike have supported the decline in American wages that has occurred during my working career. I participate politically, and I vote. Most importantly, I vote with my dollars, and buy American whenever I can. Thank you for the quality products sold by All American Clothing. Spread the word, give All American Clothing gift certificates for holiday and birthday presents.

    D. Reames
    D. Reames

    February 09, 2021

    You are absolutely correct Mike, how I wish more intelligent Americans would stand for something. I’m sure you heard Don the Con mans Labor Day Salute, we cannot afford a 2% wage increase for federal employees.

    Matt Giorgianni
    Matt Giorgianni

    February 09, 2021

    It will take years or even over a decade for increased tariffs and decreased regulations to bring manufacturing jobs back to the United States. People want cheap, they want debt to fund a lifestyle they can’t afford, and above all they want easy. All of these things we have gotten over the last 40 years, but it has demolished the real wealth engine of the United States. If more people would understand that trade deficits = more private and public debt; and more private and public debt = eventual economic hardships, we would not have gotten to this point. Regular people make poor decisions and remain uneducated though :(.


    February 09, 2021

    So “To the victor goes the spoils”. Yes the Marshall plan did rebuild other nations devastated by war and the USA did profit. There was no industrial competition and would you like to guess what the corporate tax rate was at the time.

    As for buying cheap. The American consumer took the bait, but did we have a choice with wages flat lining. Regulations were a good thing then and should be now. I remember when rivers were so polluted they caught fire and the air so foul it burned ones eyes to be outside. China and other developing countries have recently experienced the shortfalls of runaway industry.

    Presidents with buy now and pay later agendas only leave their predecessor holding the bag. Everyone loves to hear those magic words “Tax Cuts”. Who really benefits? I’ve worked in the trades for over 40 years and the drip of trickle down has not been so pleasing.

    We need leaders who offer more then a “logo”

    Oh and Happy Labor Day

    Fred W.
    Fred W.

    February 09, 2021

    When is Trump going to make his products in the USA? He is such a con man!

    Anthony Rodriguez
    Anthony Rodriguez

    February 09, 2021

    I have been in the union for 36 years. My experience with corporations is that anything the corporation makes does not trickle down to the employee or the consumer. Every penny every benefit must be fought for. No Administration, not Republicans not Democrats have ever been supportive in Union fights. Trump has never had to labor a day in his life. I believe in his mind make America great really means make American corporations great

    Anthony Rodriguez
    Anthony Rodriguez

    February 09, 2021

    Any savings a company gets will never be passed on to the consumer. The profits will be pocketed and added to the bottom line. Example: gas prices go up, food and restaurant prices go up. Gas prices go down, food and restaurants don’t go down.

    JD Moore
    JD Moore

    February 09, 2021

    The U.S. helped rebuild Europe and Japan after WW 11, and that has been the history of our Country, but we have in the last fifty years
    got into a, buy cheaper mode and we went foreign. Regulations stepped in and now it is hard to get American made products at a afordable
    price, but I am confident that if we will weather the storm and support Pres. Trump on his tariffs against foreign products that jobs will come
    back here, factories will go up across the Nation and we will see a booming economy as in the days of Pres. Reagan and we will not be de-
    pendent on foreign products and we can bring back the American pride we once had. It will be great to see the label read, Made in the U.S.A.,
    on our merchandise that we buy. I like Trump’s logo, Make America Great Again. JD moore

    What’s A Tariff? | UAW Local 2250
    What’s A Tariff? | UAW Local 2250

    February 09, 2021

    […] answers some questions about their products, foreign products, and how all this keeps making the news in Tariffs and Trade Wars: What the Average American Needs To Know… […]


    February 09, 2021

    It has taken a lot of courage for the current administration to tackle the unfair trade advantages we have had around the world. The trade imbalance with China has been inexcusable with their limitations on the sale of many American goods in their countr. Their insistence on American companies sharing all their technological secrets in order to do business in China in extremely harmful to us and cannot continue. We allowed unfair trade agreement with Europe following WWII because Europe needed financial help. This is no longer the case but the one sided trade agreement remain in place. Tariffs will be painful for some in the short term but are needed to resolve these long standing thorns in the side of our economic prosperity long term. Our current economy and value of the dollar are strong enough now to withstand a trade war.


    February 09, 2021

    One of the last things we have that the world wants is our education. When universities and colleges overseas become competitive or even better than let’s say Yale or Princeton then what will the good “perfessors” have to say about exporting jobs especially when their $150 k jobs turn into $50 k jobs in India. ha


    February 09, 2021

    Agree with all of the above. Also: there are ways to protect and advance American industry and workers other than tariffs – investment in education, infrastructure, research; regulation of finance. We spent a lot of money on developing the interstate system and that created a lot of jobs, how about high speed rail, mass transit. What about government subsidized housing as happened after World War II.

    Glenn Swiatek
    Glenn Swiatek

    February 09, 2021

    I am old enough to remember the original arguements for the NAFTA and WTO membership for China.

    1. If we build some factories south of the border, the people there will stay there. How long does it take to admit failure ? Ross Perot was excoriated for saying that large sucking sound you hear is the sound of your jobs sucked south.

    2. If we bring China into the “community of nations “ over time they will evolve into a more open society. How long does it take to admit failure ? The guy who runs the place now is the new Mao, emperor for life of a society that grades peepul for their “social credits “.
    But in the mean time the US Government gave them the keys to our prosperity, and a few others besides.

    How many perfessers of economics had their job sent over seas ? Do you think their arguement would be the same ?


    February 09, 2021

    I needed tires for My car. I called 3-4 places asking “Do You have anything that is made in America. Not ONE person could tell Me whether they had anything made here.
    The Goodyear Guy even said that He wouldn’t know until the tires actually came off the delivery truck.
    I finally found some Cooper Tires that are made here. And Honestly, I don’t really care if it’s more expensive. I can’t lay down and sleep if I willingly go buy something and not look and TRY to get American Made.


    February 09, 2021

    will also increase the income of U.S. workers. When the U.S. workers have more money to spend, the increase cost of goods will be affordable.
    I try to buy EVERYTHING I can find that’s made HERE also.
    But I can’t agree with Your statement above about Us having more $’s.
    Maybe a LOT later. But not as quick as You or I would want it to be. That’s something that “Could happen” a long time down the road.

    Tim Oakley
    Tim Oakley

    February 09, 2021

    Carhartt, Fruit of the Loom, Levi, no longer made in US, no longer a reason to purchase. I quit Wall-Mart in the 90’s because of this (non USA). My replacements (working on a list): USOAA socks, Bayside Pocket “T”, Campbell Co.briefs. more to come. Wall street and NO enforcement of trade agreements is killing US manufacturing. and soon retailers( Can you say SEARS). I wrote Fruit of the Loom, their reply “we no longer manufacture in the US”. I wrote Wrangler, their reply "Thank you, and here are model #s) They are on my next purchase list. Thank You “All American”

    Frank Pandt
    Frank Pandt

    February 09, 2021

    Well said I feel the same way you do and wish more people would feel like us. ⚡️


    February 09, 2021

    so rebuild the steel mills to be more efficient! My late husband’s people are from PGH and Youngstown. We already poisoned that area so rebuilding on brownfields will not add to pollution. I live in Harrisburg, up the road from Steelton. All the guys that used to work at the steel mill bought Harleys.. redistribution of the wealth. The iron ore came from Canada and the boats on the Great Lakes carried it to Penna. via Lake Erie and locks operated by Union Workers. Buy your food locally or at least from the USA and we will be a little better off. &&& I remember when Carhartt was American Made, it was still expensive! Semper Fi

    Manfred Klein
    Manfred Klein

    February 09, 2021

    The price increase of imported steel will raise the cost of an American-made automobile by $ 100 – $ 150. Against the cost of a $ 25,000 car? Less than one per cent; really? Regarding clothing, the difference between a pair of imported Carhartt jeans and similar pair to made by All American Clothing is already negligible, so the tariff would make the Carhartts more expensive. To maintain the price similarity, Carhartt would have to cut into its obscene profits. Wah! Maybe that would cause them and others to return production to the U.S. The tariffs may hurt some industries, but would benefit many more.


    February 09, 2021

    Tarriffs work best when imposed on finished goods. Not raw materials. America no longer has the steel mills it once had. That went to Japan and then China over the last 50 years. So it’s not like tarriffs on steel help America because America is no longer competitive in that area. The idea is good but it is too little too late. A new car may cost more because the gov’t gets additional revenue from the steel STILL bought from China. Well, I guess Congress needed some way to offset the revenue loss caused by giving tax breaks to the rich. But it helps the middle class not one iota. And actually, if you make the raw materials cost more in the US, Ford and GM are just going to move more of the cars they make to China.

    Bill Collins
    Bill Collins

    February 09, 2021

    Tariffs will increase the cost of goods sold in the U.S. It will also increase the income of U.S. workers. When the U.S. workers have more money to spend, the increase cost of goods will be affordable. I am happy to spend more money for U.S. made products when I have that option knowing I am helping people in this country make a decent living. I only wish I had more U.S. made options!

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