• Pandemic Exposes Our Weakness

    January 06, 2021 2 min read 9 Comments

    Covid-19 has been called a ‘once-in-a-century’ pandemic and although we may finally have a vaccine to help us through this, the damage has been done, lives have been lost, businesses closed down, our economy vulnerable.  Our country's weakness... relying too much on global manufacturing.

    Our reliance on global manufacturing left us unable to provide the necessary PPE (personal protective equipment), ventilators, and other essential items needed during this crisis.  Is it possible that more lives may have been saved and our economy remained resilient in the face of this pandemic if we had a stronger manufacturing base?  We think so.

    Manufacturing more essential items in the US would have meant people getting the necessary PPE and life saving equipment faster helping to slow the spread of the virus and care for those who do get it.  By producing these items in the USA we also provide more jobs which would have a positive effect on our economy.

    We have touted the importance of ‘American Made’ for years, and if there is one good thing that has come from this pandemic, it is the opening of eyes to what happens when our supply chains rely too heavily on global sources. Finally our government and corporate executives alike are all beginning to rethink our nation’s supply chain and the positive effects of ‘reshoring.’  Below are links to several interesting articles on the topic, give them a read and, as always, feel free to let us know your thoughts!

    Why Reshoring Could Be the Wave of the Future >

    US Manufacturing Presents its Biggest Opportunity in 70 Years >

    The American Dream : Reshoring Manufacturing >



    9 Responses


    February 09, 2021

    a simple query led me to evosocks .com and Mojo Compression Socks on Amazon


    February 09, 2021

    I share your posts as often as i can ! Hopefully we can bring back more jobs to America !

    Dee W.
    Dee W.

    February 09, 2021

    I tell anyone who will listen about this great website! It’s our patriotic duty to shop USA made! Keep doing what you do!

    David Sharpe
    David Sharpe

    February 09, 2021

    Yes,indeed! American companies need to reshore to restore our economy; they’ve gone overboard with global manufacturing and trading. It’s time to rebalance the scales!

    Sharon Digiovanni
    Sharon Digiovanni

    February 09, 2021

    Looking for suppression stockings

    Michael A Lind
    Michael A Lind

    February 09, 2021

    Good riddance to bad rich Rubbish. Don’t need the lies and constant bullshit designed to keep the “patriots” confused and unable to sort out the truth for themselves.

    Shirl Trowbridge
    Shirl Trowbridge

    February 09, 2021

    President Trump has been trying to do this the whole time he was in office. He kept many companies here in the U.S. Now all his good work will be ruined by Biden. He is the only one that cared.


    February 09, 2021

    Hold the line, true patriots are behind you. Placing my order today!

    Pamela Farr
    Pamela Farr

    February 09, 2021

    Very proud of an American based “American Made” company! Will “Share” your ad on Fb.

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