• Happy New Year 2016

    January 04, 2016 2 min read 5 Comments

    We call it simply “New Year’s Day” but what January 1st truly represents is far more than just the day when our worn out calendars become obsolete.  What is New Years Day if not a chance for renewal, change and an opportunity for new beginnings?

    active wear

    Many of us will ponder our new year’s resolutions over the next few days, many will not.  Many of us will stick to our new years resolutions this year; many will not.  (How did you do on your dieting resolutions from last year for instance?) What will you do?

    Many of us here at All American Clothing are excited for what’s to come in 2016 and resolution talk is naturally in the air.  One of the resolutions heard floating around the halls the past few days is the desire to stop putting off workouts and to start eating healthier.  Another person wants to be more patient with their children.  I’ve also heard commitments to getting up when the alarm goes off, shutting of the TV and working on projects instead and the vow to think more positively and eliminate negativity wherever possible.  All of these are great resolutions in my opinion.  My resolution is simply to do something creative every single day.

    2016 is poised to be a big year with a series of unique happenings.  I for one am most excited for the Summer Olympics to be held In Rio de Janeiro this year.  To me, this once-in-every-four-years event represents the best of our countries coming together in the spirit of harmony and fellowship.  Then there is the presidential election to look forward to.  Do you think one of

    our early front-runners will be our 45th president or is there still time for a fresh face to rise above the rest and swipe the crown-figuratively speaking?  And if you struggle a little with those aforementioned new year's resolutions, this is also the year of leap year-so at least the calendar is giving you one extra day to resist the siren’s call of the office donuts.

    What are you looking forward to in 2016?  What sort of resolutions have you made for yourself?  What do you plan on doing to help yourself stick to those resolutions?

    From all of us at All American Clothing, we wish you the sincerest Happy New Year, and hope that it is a good one for each and all of you.

    5 Responses


    February 09, 2021

    Sure. He has his clothing lines made in Mexico and China. Good Luck with that.

    Rick Kissell
    Rick Kissell

    February 09, 2021

    Read Howard Zinn’s “A People’s History of the United States”, plus Ray Ginger’s “The Bending Cross” and W.A. Swanberg’s “Norman Thomas: The Last Idealist.”


    February 09, 2021

    I look forward to Trump becoming our next president!! Than he will reverse all that obummer has done because all he has done is screwed up!! Go TRUMP!!

    Jeff Den Adel
    Jeff Den Adel

    February 09, 2021

    I don’t normally make resolution’s but this year I will. I will be phasing out the clothing made in other countries.
    I figure by summer I will have succeeded.

    Rae Ann Smith
    Rae Ann Smith

    February 09, 2021

    Thanks! Less FB more projects completed! Read the good book every day just to name a couple! By the way are you guys interested in supplying Disney with USA made clothing? Ask Jasmine to text me if you are!!

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