Support American Jobs this Holiday Season:

February 25, 2021 1 min read

Wish America a very merry Christmas this Holiday Season in buying American Made goods! Christmas is getting closer as Thanksgiving and Black Friday shopping is weeks away. Shoppers are already starting to search through stores for the perfect gifts. Last year Americans spent $460.20 Billion dollars during the Holiday season, with 15 billion spent on Black Friday alone. That is A LOT of money! If all of $460.20 Billion dollars was spent on American goods, that would benefit our economy immensely, but we all know that it impossible to spend every dollar on American Made goods. So I will be more realistic. Even if a fourth of that amount spent on American Made goods would raise at least $100 billion dollars in American money. This would only mean that each American would only have to spend 25% of their total Christmas spending on American Made goods. Of course, we encourage you to buy more than 25% of all your gifts as USA Made.

Please consider this. The money you spend on American Made Christmas gifts is both a gift for others AND your country. This way of shopping can result in smiles on others` faces as they open a new gift AND smiles on your fellow
Americans` faces when they have a new job! So America, I encourage you to make a difference and support American Jobs this Holiday Season!

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